» May Peace Be Upon To You tagged by wan...(: #1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? ill say this to him: "thank u.screw u." den ill walk away.simple *fold arm #2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be? A dream uh.? WHY 1?!!! k..ummm be a successfull nurse who has a health-ily happy family. (heh.its more than 1..BUT ITS ! 1 SENTENCE!!!)heh #3. What will your dream wedding be like? oooooo..k..all black n white.with candles.n coffin s da pelamin..*nods head..*yeaaaah..(NOT) big n nice!its 1 in a lifetime.!hmph!s long s we cn afford.im fine. (: #4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you? wad.?sort of..but i donnoe wad is.lols #5. What's your ideal lover like? opp.of me..(heh.)same interest.funny(joker).sweet..etc.etc.
#6. Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved by someone? cn i choose both.?being loved will b better.(i feel appreciatd.!) (: #7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love? *paisey* reminds me of work. tt dpens..patience might work though.(: ------right siti? #8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do? OMG! this is da shit i hv experienced.!hah.well.. its not wrong to hv eye candy right.?n..*looks left n right..whispers* if he's attatched.. cn break wad...*evil smile* #9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? unhappy.?pft.YESS!!! MA STUPID SICKNESS..WHICH I DONNOE WAD.FREAK! #10. Is being tagged fun? wad a question..well i guess its a yess..(i fell appreciatd) (: #11. How do you see yourself in 10 years time? being a sister mayb. engaged/married.living happily with no BIG problems. (: #12. Who are currently the most important people to you? family.besties. #13. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is? who? wan.? WAN=Witty And Notty..kiddin.he is....irritatingly crazy..haha.which is gd! (: #14. Would you rather be rich and single or married but poor?- RICH N SINGLE...period.hah #15. What's the first thing you do every morning? ermm.. press the off button on ma phone so that i cn sleep longer.heh.(*whisper* u noe da thing call d alarmclock?yess tt 1.) #16. Would you give all in a relationship? wad kind of realtionship.? frens:yess.. bf:mayb yess. frens...impt for me. so dont get sensitive!hmph! #17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick? da 1 who hs da feeling....(DUH!) #18. What type of friends do you like? understanding.fun to b wif..funny.notty.crazy.hah.them. #19. What type of friends do you dislike? THOSE WHO DOESNT APPRECIATE PPL! I HATE U SUCKERS! End of Quiz hah.hey.. tt ws fun.wawawa well..2 more papers to go.. WISH ME LUCK PPL!. tn arisa for da food. n dA bubble tea at gv ws like extremely sweet..which is cool.. *yeah* aite. i guess ill stop here.. wanna study. FOUNDATIONS OF NURSING---this subj.suck da book..is FULL of drawings instead of NOTES hah. koz i fell asleep da mmt she start tokin. *yawn* hah OH YA!! went to celebrate me bro bdae at arnold. k seddaap!!!!!! but of course.. S USUAL SINCE DA PAST FREAKING 5DAYS...i ate a little. sooooo pissed wif ma body! da system..or wadever u kol it.. body ....u suck right nw.. i swear. k den we went thr..da place..s normal ws sooo ful of ppl.. we hv to wait for half an hr to get da seats.hah.q no.:186. hah. quite a number of eyecandy.heh(sesungguhnyer..aku seorang wanita.) i donnoe y da hell but yesterday.ws hell! sooooooo many guys.hah. well..ma adeq defination of eyecandy..is MELAYU.hah. mine..MIX.heh.well saw 1..mly skin.angmo look.ha ha....but nt tt gd lookin.. but keep lookin though..den..he kept lookin at our table.. wanna noe y..?koz me sis..i think OH GOD.! seriously.. i hate walkin wif ma sis.koz i felt..(its jz me feeling) tt we hv all d attention. sooo nt cool.attention is embarrassing! i donnoe y but da waiter like cnt wait to angkt our plates.. so uncomfortable. den reach hm..cut da deli cake.! i bought da cake.cool cool cool. hehhe..chocolate mousse. oooolala. aite. till den -blacklips labels:eye candy