"I only eat at eateries / restaurants that have a Halal certificate or guaranteed to serve Halal food when you know their chefs / cooks are Muslims. I cringe whenever I see fellow Muslims eating at places like Fish & Co, Subway, Sakae Sushi, Manhattan Fish Market, Pastamania (prior to it being Halal) and the likes. For the fish eateries, do you know that alcohol / wine is used in some of their menus??? The restaurateurs might not admit it but that’s the fact and I even had a non-Muslim colleague who bothered to do the research on his own. For a non-Muslim to do that, I felt ashamed that sometimes we take things for granted just because there is “No Pork No Lard“. "
"I had half the mind to republish one article I read (that my ever loving wife shared with me), which strongly said, “Jatuh Murtad Kalau Sambut Valentine” (translated as “Apostacy If You Celebrate Valentine’s Day“). But that’s being too harsh and too judgmental on people and I’m not worthy of such things. And since it’s from Malaysia, where too many trivial things are being banned (think Yoga), I would not like to create another uproar in this domain of mine. So at the end of the day, I would just like to say, “Sendiri dah besar, dah tua, tahu fikir sendiri, beringat-ingatlah diri awak tu siapa dan pada siapa awak bersembah… Sembahyang tau, bukan sembah ayam!!!” Anyway, on to my entry…"
"When someone starts ignoring you, is it because that person: a) is very busy with lots of other important things? b) seriously dislikes you? c) doesn’t want to be associated with you? d) has been voodoo-ed to ignore you? e) is pms-ing really badly? f) is too caught up with personal issues that they forget about your existence? g) doesn’t want to be disturbed? h) recently got attached and is busy with the new partner? i) is possessed by an alien being who doesn’t know you? j) found a new friend? k) is bored of you?"
this guy's entries intrest me for all i care.!
to think of it.. ive gt loads to share.. muahahh..
lets start with
11th Feb 2009. basically went to lib wif siti.
" KLU ABAH TK PUKOL KO, AKU MINTAK ABAH CERAIKN AKU! " yup tht sums it, on why im ALWAYS not at home for the past wk.(:
16 feb BUDAK2 KENTALANS DLM LIBRARY! DORG MAEN2 SOUND2 RIGHT INFRONT OF MA FACE.! EXCHANGE NUMBERS! BLOODY HELL.! so not cool. then thrs this pt a gurl intrestd wif this guy, lower sec. then this guy ask for the number uh.. maen pas2. nt directly.. n he is quite cute for a small kid really.(: this cute guy is frn of this ''emo'' wannabe. n he is effing irritating! n veery the average lookin.he hs a gf. a yr older than him. (see i know all this)LOL
gf: *IN FLIRTY VOICE*dier ckp klu u nk nombor de, u kener TOP UP kan de dulu. then de will msg2 n call u. cute kid:*smacks his face n laugh*
i go WTF?!!!! n i ws laughin la!!! pretent to listen to music. padahal padahal. dlm hati: siak uh. ni pompan mesti kes kikes duit laki smpai kereng!
very drama mama siak! aku peh binget. but at least thr's etertainmnt!
den all the pujok.. with tht irritating-nk-sleng-eng peh voice. eh gurl.. ble bela la!
then msg nana to calm meselff.
tht emo wannnabe is so nt wannabe.LOL seriously, he hv sscars on his arms la. n like showing off. so buat2. for me, cncepts come naturally u know, nt buat2!!!! *roll eyes smpai JULING!*
nana.ko tau kwn aku kekek bacer ko peh blog.. alh tht pt yg untok aku.. *muker anggek* LOL.
kk ill update soon. ma fingers da naek frozen pt library. wif siti! LOL!