went to as-syafaah mosque for a talk. uztaz came all the way frm malaysia. he ws funny when delivering the speech. i laugh till i cried. gd sense of humor.!i loike.
bought a vest. simple n nice. 10 bux jek. cara aku, BIA MURAH, ASL BERGAYER.(: agree.?
im waiting for the nxt eppy. tk sbr la doks. LOL.
tml case study presentation i think. -_-" i cnt wait to get t over with. n its i.n.d.i.v.i.d.u.a.l. wrk! so tiow la.! errrr..
this wk, is the last wk.! woohoo. cnt wait la kns.! then FIVE SOLID WKS OF HOLIDAY! saper tk nk enjoy.?! then march hols, pln to go swimming with family. (-_-") with family is a SURE thing with friends is a NO NO! ma parents' dictionary spells B.O.R.I.N.G most of the time. nt including PARTY, CHALET and BARBEQUE WITH FRIENDS which u cnt find thr! so, phm2 uh.!
today aft magrib which is like a few more mins, going to yishun mosque for some talk.
Ayub went bck alr.
help mum do epok2. oh ya ma mum skrg jualan epok2. kentang n sardine. 4 for $1. (:
nk, order uh, support siket.
pft, family aku maken susa. s usual. but nw lagik terdesak. everything kene cut down beb. ): eh,who cares?*muker boring*
i owe me sib. i owe arisa 10 bux.
kk. gtg. doa kn aku for everything!(:
"kubor ko, ko jwb, kubo aku, aku jwb" >> whoever say this to me, aku nk sepak ajer muker korg.! muslims di-encourage-kn tegor slh silap u know. then ko n bobal psl kubo ni sumer, u simply donnoe wad it means to b a MUSLIM. k sry, im kinda pissed with these ppl. grr.
wansuey -blacklips. labels: holidays.... here i come!