seafood platter in prawn jelly. mm. sdp tk.? it sound nice to me. for those who hv cats will know what the hell this is. LOL.
yes! its cats food. haha. i simply love the smell of cat's food. me mom will start retching.LOL koz every time Gory came we will rush/berebot to feed him la. LOL. this on e n only cat. will come to me hse 3 times a day. or even lepak here.unless we bring him down to feed him. haha.
usually the apek blakang blk will feed the cats ard 5.30 in the morn. but since he da tua kn.. he will nw feed the cats at 6.30 gitu. thus, at ard 6, Gory will alr b infrnt of me hse. he will make noise la, then kiter will open the door n feed him la.
Gory is a big fat cat. white n brown, idk wad kind la. i just love animals, but i cnt differentiate what kind. heh.
i rmbr seeing this teenage mly guys,ard 20 plus, early 20s la. idk if ive blog bout it alr. but yeah.both of em took out cat's food frm their car, and fed the cats they saw. aww la kns.
its just the thing in me, aku berpendapat tht guys yg hv pets/love animals are penyayang. hahahahahahaha. wierd thought of mine. but im still holding on to tht thought la. dont ask me why.LOL
omg! i love the cats.! we actually ask the apek yg jager em, for their names.(: last time thrs michael. michael will come to u if u call him.friendly kn.? but i think this cat da pergi.
eh, pt syurga ader animals tk.? kos aku kn animal lover hahaha. best nyr knle animals adr. arrrrrgggghhh! im gonna find out bout this. or any1 knows.? (:
samson, the-nayot-cat. talk to him n he'll response. serious shit. just ask anything under the sky. i usually ask him.. ''samson, hav u eaten?'' ''da mkn blm?'' he will nyaot. ahhhhh so cute..!
one day aft blaja, i ws strokin samson. mak da balek. kos she cnt wait la. haha. ws talking to him while sitting at the bench. which attractd attention. this mly couple ws looking at me. expression-terkejot. kos i ws talking n laughin. imut banget deh. (imut=cute) i just look down la. then this mly guy, late 20s/early30s. expression de blank. dlm hati'' tk blh jadik ni'' den bla la. nid gd bye to samson. argh!!!!
coco is afraid of ppl. u really need to b patient with this cat. kos klu u rush/kanchiong2 nk pegang de, he will run la. must slow n steady. dudok tht, calls his name.mcm pujok la.(: ma record of managing to touch it ws less than a minute. then after a while, he will just come to u la if he recognise u. thrs this time.i lepak bwh blk, waiting for mum, bside kedai bwh blk. than coco come to me. do things that a cat will do. i felt soooo touched that i started laughin.
all this cats belong to this apek. he lives behind me blk, lvl 2. woah, if u go to his hse.... i tell u, pt gate ajek u cn c like ard 10. im nt exaggerating. pegi uh. very fat fat fat fat fat fat cats..!!! argh..!!! kawaii. but those cats wont go down to mrayap. they will just stay inside.u cn observe frm far, bcos if u dtg dkt siket kn, they will cpt2 msk la.takot org.hehe.*teraser* .................................
k today, went to mesjed an-nandha. its ma 1st visit. the mesjed lawa tau. mcm museum. serious. well, ma 1st visit so mcm kacuii siket.
'' ikhlas itu adalah rahsia aku dan hamba ku'' -Allah. deep kn.? i find it very2 deep la. sharing a secret with Allah. ko tk nk.?
the topic today ws IKHLAS. to be ikhlas, diri kiter itu mesti kosong. mo thoughts of anything. like that.
im nw reading a bk.. ''you can b happy no matter what'' byrichard carlson yeap. some contents of this bk hv the things tht ust, said. coincidence or wad. haha.
date with nana comin up. LOLs. ni minah sanggop kol. kk honestly, i think its very thoughtful la for some1 yg blm knl me completely. (: