♔ Saturday, November 28, 2009
9:45 PM |
May Peace BE Upon To You.
23rd nov.
special thanks to those who remembered ma birthday.
sms:Arisa, Mia, hajar, shahida, Siti, sya, adeline,sufi, irah, fiza, ibu, haziq faiz, xiaoxin, yiqing, sze en, freda, syareez, izzat, shid, ama.
fb:a'an, shahida (again), kak azura, jeyda, shankar, jeslin, darren, xuefang, adeline(again), adam, jesse, afiq, ifa, joan, amanda, wan and azmir.
face-to-face:MOM, eugene and khaliesa
tagged: "lost in every single think" and " sqeek"
alhamdulillah, im finaly EIGHTEEN.
gt attatchmnt on the same day which is like WTH!!!!!
aft att, went BO! mkn like mad.
til i vomit. which is sad. HAHA.
ma adeq2s blanjer mkn like s if im a pig, n being me, aku tk tolak rezki, especially frm some1 close.
so, aft heavy dinner, mkn ice kacang, then go macdonalds eat strawberry shortcake.
amek ko fad. then abezkn ma bro's icecream oso.(aft mum forcd me)
*BURP LOUDLY* ws ssososoosooooooooo fuuulllll.
i loike. (:
26th nov
for the first time, i sorta enjoy ma attatchmnt on this day.
haha, felt like a real nurse yaw. alhamdulillah. ^^
insha Allah, this days will come again.((:
27th nov
mummy ws talkin bout it, me n me sib mcm jealous gitu, but wad to dooo.
da naseb de.
kirem slm pt darling aku la yer. ):
almk, cm mau nanges plk. T.T
K-pop talk with ma BELOVED cuzzie.
HAHA, gt all xcitd till ma mkciks tegor, join in the convo.
WEEEEE. funn perr??!! YEAP.!
watchd Youre beautiful
smpai habez. so sad, till eppy 16 only.):
like really ):
argh!! ):
28th nov
-happy bdae to rizzuan.
-ma adeq gt prom, n ma skills nt bad uh, aku mekap kn de. LOLs.
"smokey eyes" la konon, but gotta admit, nt bad huh.
me n ma classmates kena chosen for NYP opn hse.
nk ckp xcitd, tk, nk ckp tk, tk.
1st time. so aku cm, TAK NAAAAAK,
imagine the ppl i hv to face.
DAMN! it will be like... HALF THE SCH?!
Allah help me with this.
LECEY.com sak!
kk, imma go watch some drama ma cuzz recommend.
*whispers* he told me the price mcm NAMER ANJENG DE!
Labels: bdae., updates.(: