♔ Saturday, May 8, 2010
7:34 PM |
May Peace Be Upon To You.
okay.. update.. maot nyer!!
Dad's Bike.okay, so i gt to know tht, dad actually activated his frn allover spore.
and i really mean tht.
ALL OVER singapore.
so, his frns txtd him bck.
"if i were to see ur bike, ill first whack(kasi abez) the guy thsn i call police."
and FYI majority of dad's frns is ard ma age.
MA age!! plus plus.
so, this guy and his frns,e of em, were headin smwhr la.
2 guys were slightly slow at the bck.
so, this guy, stopd at red light.(idk whr)
then on his left i think, he ws like, "eh, this bike like familliar only"
so he askd the ind guy on the bike,
"bro this bike urs uh?"
ind guy: wad?! wad?! then, d other 2 guys sw. so they, blockd him.
then they gt dwn uh, straight away whack this ind guy.
according to the police, his face pecah rabaq.
then, jam uh.
coincidentally, thr's a police car, so he came.
they 3 guys told the story.
so yeah, tht ind guy gt caught.
police calld mum,
the nxt day dad came amk police statn.
then the police ask dad if he's involve in any gang grp or sth like tht.
koz those kids calld ma dad "abang/bro"
and dad ws like, they usually calls dad "bro" kos they dont wanna call him pkcik.
gitu la.
happening kn.?
FIGHT.i wont be specific kos some parts are to sensitive till it will
mengaibkn seseorg, cm tk baek plk kn.
basically, sis ask for ma help to "win" cnfrnting her frn.
it ws actually a FUQING SMALL issue.
tht gurl thought hajar stared at her i sch.
yeap. stupid right?
tht gurl sec 3, ma sis,sec 5.
so, then tht gurl's mum gt involve.
talk talk talk talk.
she suddenly mention ma parents.
this si wad she said.
and i just wanna say uh, i SWEAR mw didnt MAKI her.
serious. surprising ly.
so, this is wad she said.otp.
bth of us at the top us our voice.
"bpk ko, abg ko, tebok ank aku!!"
me: *snatch fone frm hajar* eh mkcik! mak bpk aku tk der kene mengene ngan ni!!!
"ko jgn nk kurg aja ngan aku eh,aku nk jumper mak ko, bia de tau ank de GARANG MCM ANAK HARAM JADAH! "
me: haram jadah aper tu? eh, tk phm eh!
"tk tau? ko pegi bukak kamos bodoh!"
me: bodoh? eh eh eh, eh cik oi! pt kamos tkder, dh check.
"tu ko peh pasal,hrp skola haram jadah pn tk tau"
me: aku tk mcm ank ko.
"kurng aja"
me: *cuts in* kurg aja? kurg aja? kurg aja? kurg aja? kurg aja? ank cik byk peh ajaran?
"mmg ank aku byk ajaran, aku yg cukop ajar de"
me: ah ye la! ANAK CIK BYK SGT AJARAN SMAPI KENE TEBOK!!! *shuts fone*
self praise: fad maot.
actually thr's more to it.
those phrases are NOT the exact word.
aku repeat, some of the phrases are NOT the exact words.
she calld bck, aku reject reject reject.
then told ma sis to ans, beri salam.
(this happen afew times uh, letak kol, beri slm.-its always us yg beri slm)
then, fine, kte jmp bwh blk, kos this mkck tgl blkg blk jek.
kold mum.(mum n dad went opah's hse)
kte turon.
me: tk pyh cari, pegi mmps, de nk bobal ngan kte, bia de dtg!
she came w her daugter.
talk talk talk talk..
bottom line, i cn NOw know HOW her daughter is.
all the way, she showd herself.
like hers and her daughter flaws.
whic is bodoh.
skrg kte sumer tau baper jahat ko ngan ank ko!
bdh kn?
hrp pki tudong, mulot cm puki. (aku mulot longkang, de nyer puki)
i hope tht guy didnt kill himself.
mesti under depression nyer. cnfirm.
mulot mkcik tu jahat nk mmps. kecian bdk tu.
anyhoo, ma siblings, all of em FREAKD out when i talk to tht aunty.
aft everythg.
sufi ws like, along seram, sufi takot.
hajamia: along dh nt along. laen. muker sumer.
i ws shaking like rabaq giler aft i hung up on her.
ma sis ws like,along relek, tgn goyng rbq.
me: relek? de maki mkbpk kte ko tau tk?!
k bye.
Labels: biken wa panas~