k cnt tdo much. aft update nk prepare for tml sch. 8 am doks!but end at 11. then project. terkejot katak per.? project on tuesday,nari, da masok. i finally know the story.
me dad mcm tk rela i make new frns thorugh cuzzie. hmm. last time ws ''kwn tkper'' nw is ''asl tk ble carik kwn sindiri?'' adrr positive n negative la. ma mom yg told me. me dad say tht. hmm. k aku neutral skrg. seriously api yg membara haritu, i cnt feel it right nw. mcm tk cayer gitu kn.? fad yg mng awards marah paleng seram n muker tk ley angkt ble kesiow gini. LOL.alhamdullillah la.(: pk2 balek, ma parents cares tau. *touched* lasey.
so mum ws explainin to me.i cn accept la. klu tk kasi alasan saper ble except sia.? especially me.. she ws sayin dad NEVER HEARD ME HAVING GUYFRIENDS.like other than frns n wrkmates. thts y ''kwn tkper'' but knowing it nw. he chgd his mind.hmm. dont worry dad.mom.(:
adr lagi la. i received updates frm cuzzie. like tht day peh citer yg ibu askin him all. he calld me n ask. woah. takot deyni in trouble la pulak.hmm. but nope.(:
so, being me.i prefer tanyer sndirik.baru ble pecayer. so i ask mom. mom donnoe anything bout tht.(i hope this is not another helah.hmm.) n ibu didnt say anything to mom. ibu always wanna find things out. de peh target i realise is always me,hajar and mia. always the 3 of us. but ibu once told me she trust me s compared to em. i swear, AKU TK PROUD! anything frm ibu,errr..better not.hmm.(ni better safe than sry)
but if to end the friendship adr susa siket. kos org2 yg gerek2 gini susa nk carik.hmm. tu psl no matter hw rabak we use to fight dulu, aku tetap consider ko kwn aku. aku sumpah this is the truth.
sch. ma YR1 SEM 1 EYE CANDY IS IN MA CLASS LASEY. he yr 3 la.repeat some modules.
nt oni me. the CHINESE gurl pn minat him la oi.!LOL he hs ind bld, effing fair,speaks mly,tall,gd looking. so, sumer bangser in maclass likes him.haha.
aku dlm hati berzikir. *subahanallah* sbb de djadi kn lawa sgt gitu.
tk nk ckp saper uh but i heard this. ''u want to chg place with me?''-to hv a clear view of him ''why must he talks on to u.? we shd intro him to every1 of us''-this gurl is effing jealous.thr's more to it uh. ''i volunteer maself''-to talk to this guy
vani, knowing he's ma eye candy since yr 1, kept teasing. LOL.kos he's in her grp.well. yg tau cumer nana,vani n company. but i cn feel this wierdness frm 1 of ma classmate. ''y must we talk bout him.? he so popular uh.?'' vani ckp la,she ws teasing me. seriously mcm wtf. i think she shdnt hv like look at me tht way uh. common. pls dont b the nxt person to think im a DESPO. sedeh siak. oh wells.
do i always act like tht.? oh no..*doa* ya allah, jaoh kn aku dari prangai burok ni. *amin*
during lect. ma eye cndy sat 2 chairs beside me. gerek per.? cram siak kepaler tgk screen dpn.LOL. me.empty chair.him. haha.lucky.? u cn say tht. imagine 1 yr eye cndy..tup tup dlm class ko.? maot pa.?lols. impak maksima oi!LOL.kk dh.
sw shahidah,shannon,sabrina and this guy. lupr his name. haha. hd lunch with siti n her frns n nana.
on the fone for more than 2 hrs.slept ard 3.30am.(yesterday) heh gerek pa.?gerek lasey! gerek abezz..wootz. listen to mj12.(same intrest doks)-interesting kn.?