finally im done with the stats proj. n im incharge. makdatok. troublesome. but at least im D.O.N.E with it.! well almost. nw waiting for ma last grp mmbr to gimme her reflections n her pic.-.-"
thursday, 26 June. went lib.... for fun. just to chill. eventhough sch wants u to STAY away. haha.
with shahida, sabreena and this gurl, hidayah tk silap.ionoe. yeap. they do their essays. while i try to finish up stats's blog. and crap games. watch ghosts related vids.(: typical me.(:
then da lapar rabaqqq... finally shahida done with her proj meeting... we went koufu to eat. actually pln to go banquet. but si baby ni mls! -.- so yeah. finally makan after one WHOLE day. and thr ws sharing and caring session. HAHA!
HAHA. went bck to lib. play typing maniac. giler peh game.! and sth happen. then aku kene sexy. n shahida baby. YER??!!